News Releases
Plate Denial for 407 ETR Debts Still in Effect While Government Seeks Leave to Appeal

407 ETR announced today the Ontario Registrar of Motor Vehicles continues to be required to deny the plates of individuals who refuse to pay their 407 ETR tolls, fees and interest while the Government is seeking leave to appeal a recent Court ruling.

“We will oppose the Government’s request for an appeal,” said 407 ETR President and Chief Executive Officer Enrique Diaz-Rato. “In the meantime, we expect the Registrar to uphold his statutory duty and deny the vehicle plates of individuals who refuse to pay their bills.”

On November 7, the Ontario Divisional Court issued a unanimous decision ordering the Registrar to comply with his statutory obligation to deny vehicle permits to individuals who refuse to pay their 407 ETR tolls, fees and interest.

In its ruling, the Court stated that “the Registrar had no discretion to refuse plate denial” and therefore ordered the Registrar to begin denying plates, effective immediately.

“It is unfortunate that the Government is continuing to pursue appeals of cases they have lost decisively,” said Diaz-Rato. “However, we have confidence in the unanimous decision of the Divisional Court, even if leave to appeal is given.”

407 International Inc. is the sole shareholder of 407 ETR, the operator and manager of Highway 407, which extends 108 kilometres east-west, just north of Toronto. 407 International Inc. is owned by a consortium comprised of Cintra Concesiones de Infraestructuras de Transporte, Macquarie Infrastructure Group and SNC-Lavalin.

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For more information, contact:


Dale A. Albers
Manager, Public Relations
Tel: 905-264-5221