News Releases
407 ETR Creates $125,000 York University Scholarship Fund

407 ETR announced today the creation of a $125,000 York University scholarship fund that will support York students in graduate studies for years to come.

“407 ETR is used by thousands of students, staff and faculty every day,” said Antonio de Santiago, President and Chief Executive Officer of 407 ETR. “Providing a scholarship that will benefit students and our community year after year is our way of saying thanks.”

The $125,000 endowment fund will generate $5,000 annually, starting this semester. 407 ETR’s $5,000 gift will then be matched two-to-one by the Ontario Graduate Scholarship Program, providing a total of $15,000 to each year’s scholarship recipient.

The scholarship is just one more way in which 407 ETR gives back to the communities it serves. The company has also donated $125,000 to SickKids Hospital and supports numerous other charities, organized sports and disaster relief efforts.

"We are grateful that 407 ETR has chosen to support York University students through the creation of this scholarship fund," said Paul Marcus, President and CEO of the York University Foundation. “Ontario Graduate Scholarships are essential, offering increased access to education and recognition of achievement. This generosity will make an enormous difference in the lives of our graduate students."

About 407 ETR

407 ETR Concession Company Limited (“407 ETR”) is the operator and manager of Highway 407, which extends 108 kilometres east-west, just north of Toronto. 407 International Inc., the sole shareholder of 407 ETR, is owned by a consortium comprised of Cintra Concesiones de Infraestructuras de Transporte, Macquarie Infrastructure Group and SNC-Lavalin.

About York University Foundation

The York University Foundation is dedicated to supporting York University’s academic and research mission. In 2002, the Foundation was established as an innovative model for educational fundraising in Canada.

About York University

York University is the leading interdisciplinary research and teaching university in Canada. York offers a modern, academic experience at the undergraduate and graduate level in Toronto, Canada’s most international city. The third largest university in the country, York is host to a dynamic academic community of 50,000 students and 7,000 faculty and staff, as well as 190,000 alumni worldwide. York’s 11 faculties and 24 research centres conduct ambitious, groundbreaking research that is interdisciplinary, cutting across traditional academic boundaries. This distinctive and collaborative approach is preparing students for the future and bringing fresh insights and solutions to real-world challenges. York University is an autonomous, not-for-profit corporation.

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For more information, contact:

Dale A. Albers
Manager, Public Relations
407 ETR
Tel: 905-264-5221

Keith Marnoch
Media Relations
York University
Tel: 416-736-2100 ext. 22091