News Releases
Long Weekend Drivers Set New One-Day Traffic Record on 407 ETR

TORONTO, July 6 /CNW/ - 407 ETR announced today that it has set a new one-day traffic record. On Wednesday, June 30, a record 454,275 trips were taken on 407 ETR by those wanting to avoid congestion and jump start their holiday weekend. This beat the previous record of 445,822 trips set on October 5, 2007.

"407 ETR provides a safe, fast and reliable way for drivers to get around the GTA," said Jose Tamariz, President and CEO of 407 ETR. "The summer long weekends in Ontario are known for significant traffic delays," continued Tamariz. "407 ETR helps relieve congestion on the surrounding highways and offers drivers the choice of an alternative route."

"People know that when they choose 407 ETR they can expect a congestion free trip, which will help them get to their long weekend destination quickly," said Tamariz.

With approximately 375,000 drivers choosing the convenience of 407 ETR each workday, the company is committed to keeping the highway safe and congestion free. This year alone, 407 ETR has budgeted over $70 million for construction projects to add capacity to the highway for future years.

407 ETR Concession Company Limited ("407 ETR") is the operator and manager of Highway 407, which extends 108 kilometres east-west, just north of Toronto. 407 International Inc., the sole shareholder of 407 ETR, is owned by a consortium comprised of Cintra Infraestructuras, Intoll and SNC-Lavalin.

For further information: Steve Spencer, Director, Communications, 407 ETR, 905-264-5232