News Releases
407 ETR keeps highway FAST, SAFE and RELIABLE with new lanes

Investment in construction and infrastructure now tops $1.2 billion

TORONTO, Sept. 21 /CNW/ - 407 ETR recently opened more than 18 kilometres of new lanes that will keep customers moving along a FAST, SAFE and RELIABLE all-electronic, barrier-free toll highway.

The new lanes run both east and west between Highway 404 and Markham Road.  While one lane in each direction was officially opened, 407 ETR built a total of two lanes in each direction to accommodate future growth.  The investment made this year to construct both lanes at the same time means the other lane in each direction can be opened in the future without the need for major new construction or inconvenience to customers.

As with 407 ETR highway construction projects, this project has undergone in-depth inspection and audit and complies with all Ontario Ministry of Transportation standards.

"Significant investment in construction and expansion of the highway ensures we meet the objective of helping to relieve congestion on other GTA highways and local roads," said Jose Tamariz, 407 ETR President and Chief Executive Officer.  "Serving customers with very modern technology makes 407 ETR a unique open toll-road without the need to stop at congestion-causing toll booths."

The new lanes bring the total number of individual lane kilometres on the highway to more than 1,100 kilometres.  407 ETR spans 108 kilometres across the GTA - from Burlington in the west to Pickering in the east.

The new lane capacity along this important corridor of the highway is one of many infrastructure projects over the past several years that have served customers well and kept traffic moving. 

Investment in construction and infrastructure since 1999 now tops $1.2 billion.  

In addition to keeping traffic moving, construction and other improvements provide the communities and businesses the highway serves with additional capacity to support growth and development.  407 ETR construction projects also create thousands of local jobs which has been especially important during the recent period of economic recession.

407 ETR makes use of leading edge technology in the operation of 198 unique non-stop entry and exit points along the highway which allow customers to continually move on and off the highway without the need to stop at a toll booth. 407 ETR uses this technology to efficiently process more than 375,000 trips on the highway on an average workday.

407 ETR was recently recognized by the Intelligent Transportation Systems Society of Canada for its vehicle fingerprinting system.   407 ETR was awarded the first ever New Canadian Commercial Technology/Innovation or Research and Development Award.  In addition to other national and international awards that have recognized the high level of service and innovation at 407 ETR, the company also recently achieved ISO 9001:2008 status.

407 ETR continues to have an excellent safety record which provides drivers and their families important reassurance when travelling on the highway.  Close adherence to  safety standards and a high-quality maintenance program have given the highway an exceptional safety record.  407 ETR monitors the highway at all times using an extensive fibre optic network of CCTV cameras and through highway operations staff patrols.

It is now a well established fact that keeping traffic moving at a steady, reasonable speed and avoiding stop-and-go traffic congestion reduce both fuel consumption and the release of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions into the air from vehicles.  As a toll highway that controls congestion and keeps cars moving, use of 407 ETR reduces the environmental impact of driving.

407 ETR recently set a new one-day traffic record. On Wednesday, June 30, 2010 a record 454,275 trips were taken.  In addition to investments in new construction and infrastructure, 407 ETR continues to appreciate its customers' loyalty and has offered more than $40 million to customers as part of its "ETR Rewards" customer loyalty program. The company also offers periodic incentives to customers to sign-up for automatic payment.  The program provides customers with their statement and then allows 10 days for customers to review it prior to their credit card or account being debited.

Recognition of the needs of the community is important to 407 ETR.  As part of this recognition, 407 ETR, together with employees have donated to local and international charities and sponsors several major conferences and events.

407 ETR Concession Company Limited is the operator and manager of Highway 407, which extends 108 kilometres east-west, just north of Toronto. 407 International Inc., the sole shareholder of 407 ETR, is owned by a consortium comprised of Cintra Infraestructuras, Intoll and SNC-Lavalin.


407 ETR has invested over $1.2 billion since 1999 to keep customers moving on a FAST, SAFE and RELIABLE highway


  • Added 13.4 kilometres of new lanes from Markham Road to York/Durham Line
  • Installed new ramp at Ninth Line
  • Widening of the bridges between Highway 404 and Markham Road
  • Widening of the overpass at Highways 407 and 401


  • Widening of the bridges from Markham Road to York/Durham Line


  • Added 50 kilometres of new lanes between Highways 401 and 427


  • Added 50 kilometres of new lanes between Highways 427 and 404
  • Widening of the bridge structures between Highways 410 and 427 in preparation for additional lanes
  • Added 4 kilometres of new lanes between McCowan Rd. and Markham Rd.


  • Widening of the bridge structures between Highways 400 and 404 in preparation for additional lanes


  • Added 22 lane kilometres between Highway 401 and Hurontario St.
  • Construction of the Markham Bypass Interchange


  • Added 7 lane kilometres between Highways 400 and 427


  • Completed the Woodbine Ave. interchange


  • Extended the highway 25 kilometres west to Burlington and 15 kilometres east to Pickering
  • Completed four interchanges (Mavis, Britannia, Kennedy and McCowan)

For further information:

Kevin Sack
Communications and Government Relations
407 ETR Concession Company Limited
Telephone 905-264-5374, Email:

Visit for further information.