407 International Inc. has announced Mr. David McFadden as the new Chairman of the 407 International Board of Directors.
Mr. McFadden takes over the Chair of 407 International from Mr. Stanley Beck who has served on the Board since 2000.
Mr. Jose Tamariz, President and CEO of 407 International, thanked Mr. Beck for his many years of service to the Board stating, “The Board has benefitted from Mr. Beck’s talent and expertise and we have all greatly appreciated his dedication and service.”
Mr. McFadden is a partner in Gowlings' Toronto office, Chair of the Firm's International group, a member of the Firm's Board of Trustees, Chair of Gowlings’ International Management Committee and of the Gowlings International Strategic Advisory Group. Mr. McFadden has extensive experience both in Canada and internationally, particularly in the energy, infrastructure, financial services and aerospace industries.
Mr. McFadden has been a Director of 407 International since 2002 and was formerly the Chairman of the Audit Committee of the Board. Mr. McFadden’s experience with 407 ETR has been extensive. His involvement with the highway dates back to 1994, when as Counsel to Hughes Aircraft, he was the Chief Negotiator of the toll systems supply agreement and later went on to work with Advanced Toll Management, negotiating the operating and maintenance agreements for the tolling systems.
Other appointments to the Board include Mr. Bruce Hogg (Senior Principal, Infrastructure, CPP Investment Board), Mr. Robert MacIsaac (President of Mohawk College, former Chairman of the Board of Metrolinx and former Mayor of Burlington), and Mr. Ken Walker (Mr. Walker is the former CFO of 407 ETR Concession Company).
Please find below a full list of the Board of Directors of 407 International:
David McFadden, Chairman of the Board
Gilles Laramée, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Board
Courtney Pratt, Chairman of the Audit Committee of the Board
Michael Bernasiewicz
Murray Bleach
Francisco Clemente Sanchez
Enrique Diaz-Rato Revuelta
Bruce Hogg
Rob MacIsaac
Nicolás Rubio de Cardenas
Andrew Sims
Jose Tamariz
Ken Walker
407 International Inc. is owned by Cintra Infraestructuras S.A. (43.23%) (a wholly owned subsidiary of Ferrovial S.A.), indirectly owned subsidiaries of Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (total 40%) and SNC-Lavalin (16.77%).
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Media contact:
Kevin Sack
Vice President
Communications and Government Relations
407 ETR Concession Company Limited
e. ksack@407etr.com
o. 905-264-5374
c. 416-455-5262