News Releases
407 ETR customers make a good choice and set a new one-day traffic record

407 ETR confirmed today that its customers continue making good choices, using Highway 407 ETR in record-setting numbers last Thursday, June 30.

A record 460,293 trips were taken on 407 ETR by drivers wanting to avoid traffic congestion and jump start their holiday weekend. This beats the previous record set on the same day last year (Wednesday, June 30, 2010). Driving on 407 ETR continues to be a great way to save time and money on fuel by travelling at a safe and constant speed.

“407 ETR continues to meet its mandate of relieving traffic congestion on other highways and local roads,” said Jose Tamariz, President and CEO of 407 ETR. “Providing drivers a fast, safe and reliable trip that also saves customers time and money is a great way to start a long weekend and we thank all of our customers for their trust in 407 ETR.”

In 2010, an average of over 380,000 drivers chose the convenience of 407 ETR each workday, and the company remains committed to keeping the highway safe and congestion-free. Since 1999, 407 ETR has invested over $1.2 billion to extend and expand the highway and maintain very high safety and maintenance standards. The company continues to expand the number of lanes on the highway and is currently working on major lane expansions on 407 ETR between Highway 401 and Highway 403.

Customers are encouraged to take advantage of the many online services available on the recently launched new website. Online, customers can choose to go paperless on their account and receive 50 free km - another great choice that benefits customers and the environment. At the same time, customers can also sign up for the convenience of pre-authorized payment and see their bill online about 10 days before any payment is processed. Customers can also sign up online for a 407 ETR transponder and avoid video toll charges. The lease on a transponder pays for itself after only six trips a year on 407 ETR.

407 ETR Concession Company Limited is the operator and manager of Highway 407, which extends 108 kilometres east-west, just north of Toronto. 407 International Inc. is owned by Cintra Infraestructuras S.A. (43.23%) (a wholly owned subsidiary of Ferrovial S. A.), by indirectly owned subsidiaries of Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (total 40%), and by SNC-Lavalin (16.77%).

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For more information, contact:

Kevin Sack
Vice President
Communications and Government Relations
Tel: 905-264-5374