News Releases
407 ETR's corporate-wide ONE BIG DAY of volunteering draws largest participation in company's history

Staff to volunteer at 28 locations across the GTA

TORONTO, July 17, 2019 /CNW/ - Today, 375 employees from 407 ETR gave back to surrounding communities through One Big Day, the company's annual day of volunteering.

Employees volunteered at a variety of community organizations and not-for-profits across Highway 407 ETR's corridor. Activities included building furniture for those less fortunate; helping out at shelters; preparing and delivering meals to those in need; mentoring youth; supporting senior's residences; and cleaning up litter in green spaces.

"For one day every year, we stop what we're doing so the 407 ETR family can connect with people and causes that are important to the communities we serve," said Andres Sacristan, President and CEO, 407 ETR. "The entire company worked together to make a positive impact in the community and I couldn't be prouder."

About 407 ETR
Highway 407 ETR is the best way to travel across the top of the Greater Toronto Area. Drivers make over 415,000 trips each workday and continue to report that using the toll road saves them significant time, reduces their fuel consumption and vehicle maintenance costs and staying out of gridlock and heavy traffic elsewhere means lower harmful CO2 emissions. Use of the toll road has increased steadily since opening in 1999 and is now well known as the route of choice for business to move goods efficiently and for people wanting to save time for the things that matter most.

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SOURCE 407 ETR Concession Company Limited

For further information: 407 ETR Contact: Kevin Sack, Vice President, Marketing, Communications and Government Relations, 407 ETR, Tel: 905-264-5374,